SERIES – What are you building? (4) The Signet Ring King – Haggai 2v20-23 (Speaker – Colin Wells)
Key Passage: Haggai 2v20-23
As we teach the bible week by week our aim is that people would listen to and respond to God’s Word in humble obedience.
“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock”(Matthew 7v24)
To help this process we’ve created two teachings aids to sit alongside the preaching of God’s word…
‘Listen Up’ – Designed to help children and Young People follow the teaching of God’s Word as they ‘listen up’ for key teaching points along the way. Have the sheet to hand as you listen to the sermon and then spend some time over lunch chatting it through as a family!
‘Digging Deeper’ – Designed for individuals, families and small groups. After you’ve listened to the sermon take some time to work through the questions on the sheet as you continue to reflect on the teaching of God’s word and prayerfully push home its application into every-day life.
In addition to these you can also access the Power Point from the talk as well as the closing response song.
Key Passage: Haggai 2v20-23
Key Passage: Haggai 2v10-19 To listen to the next sermon in this series click here
Key Passage: Haggai 2v1-9 To listen to the next sermon in this series click here
Key Passage: Haggai 1v1-15 To listen to the next sermon in this series click here